Building Stronger Bones In Elderly Patients


We are all aware that bone loss becomes a looming threat the older we get. Thus, many doctors recommend that we drink milk or take calcium supplements to keep our bones strong as we age. But what about seniors?

The older we get, the harder it is for our bodies to absorb calcium. So it can be difficult for seniors to get enough of this nutrient into their bodies. Family Care Personal Attendants LLC is here to give a few tips on how to keep your elderly loved one’s bones strong:

  • Make changes in their diet
    Aside from drinking milk, you should also include other food items rich in calcium. Some great sources of this nutrient are beans, legumes, salmon/sardines with bones, almonds, cereals, and broccoli.

    An In-Home Care Agency in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, can help with meal preparations and feeding for seniors who can no longer do those themselves.

  • Give supplements a try
    Because elderly bodies have a harder time absorbing calcium, they will need all the help they can get. Calcium supplements are a great way to fill in the gaps left by your loved one’s diet.

    However, before you start buying supplements, make sure to consult your loved one’s primary Healthcare provider for certified brands that they can recommend.

  • Go for daily walks
    Physical activity is another great way to keep your senior’s bones strong. A 30-minute walk in the park will do wonders for your senior’s health. If your senior is receiving Personal Care Services in Louisiana, a caregiver can accompany them during their walks for extra safety.

We hope these tips help you and your loved one out. If you need senior care advice, feel free to give us a call at 757-490-2986.

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